Thursday, February 4, 2016

Jamaica- Day Two

I woke up in my hotel room to the delicious smell of spiced meat and Jamaica’s famous Blue Mountain coffee. I ate a wonderful breakfast of some kind of meat with some local, fresh herbs and spices which really brought out the flavor. The Blue mountain Coffee was some of the best coffee I have tasted, which makes since, because the coffee beans were fresh, and were grown only a few hours from Kingston. As I walked out of my hotel after breakfast, I figured I would take an hour or two and visit the Bob Marley Museum, since he was such a big part of the Jamaican culture. Bob Marley was seen by many Jamaicans as a prophet of Rastafarianism, which is a Jamaican believe that African American and Afro-Jamaican people are the chosen people to live. Even though I am not here to be a tourist and see sights, I thought this museum, which was formerly his home, might give me a better idea on how he became to be thought of so highly. As I walked up to the entrance of the museum, there was a large sculpture of Bob Marley sitting at the gate. When I went inside, there were pictures of him, and many more artifacts, and even a small theater showing short films. I read on a plaque Bob Marley put all of his beliefs into his songs, and when he became so famous, the Rastafarianism supporters believed he was a prophet, to deliver their messages to the rest of the world. When I was done with the museum, which was a lot bigger than it looked, I was pretty hungry and I found a nice restaurant. I had a very delicious meal of jerk. Jerk is the signature dish in Jamaica and is different kinds of meats rubbed in hot and flavorful spices. I even had a side of some kind of stew with some chicken, tomatoes, yams, and onions. When I was stuffed from my lunch, I decided to walk into one of the churches and see what it was like inside these extravagant looking buildings. Inside were rows and rows of pews, and a red carpet in the middle of the center aisle. There were very beautiful stained glass windows with murals of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus in the manger, and other stories from the Bible painted out on the glass. There was an altar in the front of the the sanctuary and a step where the preacher would talk to the audience and give his sermons. When I was done looking around in the church I was getting tired and I decided to return to my hotel room before it got completely dark, and running the risk of getting lost on my way home. When I got back to my hotel, I had a supper of some fish, then I went to bed.                                                  
The entrance of the Bob Marley museum in Kingston  

One of the many exhibits inside the Bob Marley museum

The exterior of the church I toured in Kingston

The interior of the church I toured

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