I had finally arrived at Norman Manley International Airport in Kingston, where it was a sunny morning. As I had to get up early to in order to catch my plane, being me, I forgot to eat breakfast. I stopped at the nearest café I could find, and I ate a delicious but simple soup called pepperpot soup. The waiter told me the soup is made from some salted beef and salted pork, okra, and what Jamaicans call calloo, which is some foreign kind of kale, and I had my usual water with lemon to drink. I paid, thanked my waiter for my soup, and started my day. As I walked out into the streets of Kingston, I saw more churches at once than I probably have seen combined in my life. Every few blocks I walked, there was always some form of a church sitting on the corner. As I was getting a lay of the land, there was a man on the corner of the block telling the legend of Anansi. This is a spider legend which originated from the African country of Ghana, where many Jamaicans’ ancestors originated. I realized I had some extra tickets for a cricket match in the famous Sabina Park, and wanted to go, as I still had time left, but I remembered cricket matches could go on for quite a while. I decided to spend the remainder of my time going to Mas Camp in Kingston. This is where the Carnival, the celebration which leads up to Lint, was starting to be practiced. Each country in Central/South America has their own version of Carnival, so I wanted to see what Jamaica’s was like, even though at Mas Camp the participants in the festival were just practicing. When I arrived at Mas Camp, it was like nothing I had ever seen. There were many women in very extravagant costumes dancing around the grounds. Some of the women’s costumes had large bird wings extending off of the main part of their costume. There were men dancing with the women and doing more twirls and jumps than I knew I could never have done so quickly and flawlessly. I was entertained for hours by this, as there was just so much to take in. When I thought I had seen it all, I was getting tired and it was getting late. I rode a bus back to my hotel, had a quick supper of beans and rice, then decided to go to hit the sack.
The pepperpot soup I ate for breakfast

Some costumes that are ready to be tried on for Carnival
in a dressing room in Mas Camp
Norman Manley International Airport |